Broker Business Issue #3, September 2022
October 19, 2022
CEO Connect #4, November 2022: Renewals update
November 1, 2022
Broker Business Issue #3, September 2022
October 19, 2022
CEO Connect #4, November 2022: Renewals update
November 1, 2022

Member Matters Issue #3, September 2022

Read the Member Matters Issue #3, September 2022 here.

Dear Member,

Welcome to the September edition of the Member Matters newsletter.

In my regular interactions with Members, I am constantly reminded of the importance of open and frequent communication. This month, we bring together all the detail shared over the past few weeks regarding the 2022 protection renewal.

Last month, we published our 1 July market update paper for you to share with your Risk & Audit Committees. This is the first time we have provided an overview of the major reinsurance renewal in the Australian Market for our Members. While there is no doubt that 2022 has been a challenging year for insurers, we continue to work hard to ensure we can negotiate the best possible terms for you. Discussions are well advanced and are on track for a 1 October reinsurance renewal. Our expectation is that we will be able to release terms during the week of 10 October.

To provide some indication of potential pricing, we recently hosted our annual Renewal Update Webinar, sharing insight of the 2022 renewal process and the expected pricing range for each protection. You can view this webinar at your convenience.

We are always looking for the best ways to keep you updated with information and news – including by hosting events, webinars, these Member updates and of course via our website. Our Claims Manager, Jamie Thomson, and Risk Manager, Simon Iliffe recently facilitated a Post-loss analysis discussion group, to share the learnings from previous loss events for all Members.

Looking ahead, we are keen to better understand your needs and expectations. Soon after renewal, we will be circulating a Member Survey, so you can provide us with feedback on your needs, expectations and experience with Unimutual. More information will follow closer to release date.

Finally, I’m delighted to be able to confirm that the MC for our Unimutual Conference 2023 will be Tracey Spicer.  Tracey is an award-winning author, journalist and broadcaster who has anchored national programs for ABC TV and radio, Network Ten and Sky News. This will be our first in-person Conference since 2019 – with the event being held on the Gold Coast on 8-10 March 2023, where I look forward to meeting many of you for the first time.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Henderson
Chief Executive Officer

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