Become a Member

Tailored protection

Membership is available to universities, other higher education or research institutions or entities associated with higher education or research that have 20 or more employees.

Applying for membership

Eligible institutions can apply for protection either by:

  • Directly contacting Unimutual on tel: +61 2 9169 6600 or emailing us at
  • Speaking with your preferred insurance broker

The application process

Potential new members will need to provide details on the types and levels of protection required. Our team or your broker will talk you through this.

Once we have your application, granting of applications for membership is at the discretion of the Unimutual Board. Each member is individually rated according to its risk profile, individual claims history and pays contributions accordingly for the protection provided. In accordance with our commitment to fairness and transparency, each new member application will be assessed according to our Code of Conduct:

  • Our processes will be conducted in a fair, honest and transparent manner
  • We will only seek and take account of relevant information when assessing applications for membership and protection
  • Members and prospective Members will have access to information that we have relied upon in assessing applications and the opportunity to correct any errors or inaccuracies
  • In limited circumstances, we may decline to release information however we will not do so unreasonably
  • Where any errors or inaccuracies in assessing an application are identified, we will take immediate action to correct it

As a mutual, we are here to serve our members and do our best to provide the highest level of value and service to all. It’s why we exist.