Simon Says: What a dog of a year it was!
December 12, 2018
New Year’s Resolutions for the University Risk Professional
February 13, 2019There are some things that none of us want to occur. Risks that, even if they don’t affect us directly, we hope will not come about. But we must nevertheless not shy away from considering the consequences, even when those consequences might benefit us.
Post-9/11, Australia became a favoured destination for international students as America become far less appealing to many students and parents. As we look at the current geopolitical landscape, we may identify other upcoming risks with possible advantageous outcomes for Australia.
One such is the deteriorating US-China relationship – it is possible that this could result in opportunities for Australian institutions, including universities and researchers. Have you considered these opportunities – and are you ready to grasp them? Read this Emerging Risk Report to begin thinking about what it might mean for you.