Member Matters Issue #4, Sept 2023
September 19, 2023
2024 Unimutual Conference
November 9, 2023
Member Matters Issue #4, Sept 2023
September 19, 2023
2024 Unimutual Conference
November 9, 2023

CEO Connect #4, November 2023

Dear Member,

In this edition of CEO Connect, I will be sharing a Membership renewal update, the opportunity for Members to provide feedback and recognise excellence in our service areas, along with further exciting details about the 2024 Annual Conference.

Renewal update

I am pleased to announce that the Member renewal process is now complete, with all of our 53 Members renewing their protections with us this year. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Unimutual team, I would like to thank you for your continued support.

This year we once again held one-on-one, personalised meetings to provide Members with renewal information specific to them. It was great to have the opportunity to discuss the current market environment, to understand your individual needs and share our rationale for this year’s contribution setting.

We are pleased to welcome two new Members to your Mutual, from King’s College (Queensland) and St Catherine’s College (Western Australia). It was also great to see several Members taking up the option of purchasing the new Fine Art, Rare Books and Collectibles dedicated protection.


As you know, Unimutual is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement by recognising excellence in Risk Management, Claims Management and Insurance/Protection Services.

The Unimutual Excellence Awards nominations are now open, providing Members and service providers with the chance to submit a nomination and be recognised for excellence. The nomination process is easy – you can nominate yourself or a colleague, team or organisation. The winners will be announced at the Unimutual Annual Conference in March 2024.

Download a copy of the 2023 Unimutual Excellence Awards Prospectus or read further details here.

An invitation to share your views

In the spirit of driving continuous improvement for our Members, we will be launching our latest Member Experience Survey in the coming week. This survey is a chance to provide feedback about your experience with us, your needs, and how we can best support you. We are always looking for ways to improve our Member experience, so your feedback is important to us.

Save the dates for Conference 2024

The Unimutual Annual Conference will be held from Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 March 2024 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart. This year’s theme is ‘Staying Ahead of the Curve Together’, and we already have an impressive speaker line-up secured. The event will also be a great opportunity to network with fellow Members and for us to introduce several new initiatives we will implement in 2024. Look out for an email invitation coming soon.

Finally, a personal note of thanks to you, our Members, and our Broker partners for your support this year. Together we have achieved some amazing things for our Mutual. The team and I are extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue working with you for another year.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Henderson

Chief Executive Officer


p:  +61 2 9169 6604  m: +61 (0) 417 887 513

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