CEO Connect #4, November 2022: Renewals update

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CEO Connect #4, November 2022: Renewals update

Dear Member,

The Member renewal process is now complete and on behalf of the Board of Directors and the Unimutual team, I would like to thank you for your continued support. We’re extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue working with you and the broker partners for another year.

Renewals update

In response to Member feedback, we undertook an ambitious renewals program offering a more personalised service, with more detailed information and one-on-one meetings. It was great to have the opportunity to discuss the current market environment, to understand your individual needs and to share with you the rationale for this year’s contribution setting.

I am pleased to report that:

  • All but one of our University Members renewed (Griffith University having notified us of their withdrawal earlier in the year).
  • 26 out of 26 Allied Members also renewed.
  • We welcome some new Allied Members with La Trobe Student Association and Jane Franklin Hall joining your mutual.

This result continues to strengthen your mutual and is to the benefit of all stakeholders.

An invitation to share your views

In the spirit of continuous improvement for our Members, we will be launching our Member Experience survey next week. This survey is a chance for you to provide your feedback on your current experience, your needs, and how we can best support you.  The survey will take five minutes, and I would be grateful for your input.

Save the dates for Conference 2023

The Unimutual Conference will be held from 8-10 March 2023 at the Sheraton Grand Mirage on the Gold Coast. This year’s theme is “Resilience in a changing landscape”, and we have already secured some exciting speakers. As our first in-person conference since 2019, we anticipate a great opportunity to network with our Members. We will also be taking the opportunity to introduce several new initiatives during the course of the conference. Look out for the email invitation coming soon.

Finally, a personal note of thanks to you the Members, and our broker partners for generously sharing your thoughts and feedback since I joined Unimutual. The team and I are excited to work closely with you, so you gain even more value from your mutual.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Henderson

Chief Executive Officer


t: (02) 9250 2800  m: 0417 887 513

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