Widespread and prolonged power failures – Issue 69
November 22, 2017
ALERT!!! – Severe weather warning 1-3 December
December 1, 2017
Widespread and prolonged power failures – Issue 69
November 22, 2017
ALERT!!! – Severe weather warning 1-3 December
December 1, 2017

Activism in the University Sector – Issue 70

During the 1960’s and 1970’s, laced in with groups of students wearing peace symbols, was an underlying current of militant student activism on issues relating to the university sector and its administration.  While student and community activism still exists, it appears to now use tools which are much more subtle than occupying the Chancellery or carrying picket signs at the gates. Activism in the 21st century has taken a different tack. This report provides education around two leading examples indicating the types of change affecting the sector.

Read the full report: Activism in the University Sector – The Customer is Always Right?


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