Minus 80 Degree Freezer Malfunction – Issue 67
November 7, 2017
Widespread and prolonged power failures – Issue 69
November 22, 2017
Minus 80 Degree Freezer Malfunction – Issue 67
November 7, 2017
Widespread and prolonged power failures – Issue 69
November 22, 2017

A new standard for workplace travel – Issue 68

Young elegant business woman with hand luggage in international airport terminal, working on her laptop while waiting for flight

The nature of work has always been extremely dynamic and, for most of our Members, travel for work, as well as teaching at satellite campuses, keeps many risk professionals extremely busy with travel related perils. Fortunately, there has been a new industry standard developed, written in response to what experts perceive as the rising threats to travellers. This report covers the details of the new standard, what this means for university professionals and recommendations for integrating the standard into your future compliance program.

Read the full report on the new standard for workplace travel here.

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