Unimutual Conference 2017

Simon says: A fire is great – when you’re camping
June 26, 2017
New Unimutual Member: Curtin University
July 14, 2017
Simon says: A fire is great – when you’re camping
June 26, 2017
New Unimutual Member: Curtin University
July 14, 2017

Unimutual Conference 2017

Welcome to the 2017 Unimutual Conference with the theme of:

 University Research and Risk

Background – Role of Research

Research is one of the fundamental and defining activities of all Australian universities.  It exists for many reasons including support of teaching and learning, however, it is vital in establishing a creative, innovative and productive Australia.  In that respect, the research occurring in our institutions’ labs and field stations, impacts far beyond the campus gates. It affects the wider community, locally, nationally and internationally.

It is also a field of competition amongst our Members with each institution seeking success in competitive grants from government entities such as the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).   For example in 2015-16, the ARC awarded 1,227 new research grants, totalling $563 million. This competition is the crucible through which researchers must all pass to achieve the funding they need to explore the universe and deliver these new futures.

The Conference

In Melbourne, from 6 – 8 September 2017, we will hear from several prominent university researchers. While on one hand, they are the customers of the risk professional, who require support in risk reduction and mitigation to be successful in this competitive environment.  On the other hand, we will hear the story of their research and the futures they feel they are creating through their explorations and investigation. We will hear of the risks they’ve overcome and will face in the future to deliver rewards to the sector and society.  What is the perception of university risk, governance and insurance professionals to these creators of the future? We hear from them directly over the conference and better understand how we can contribute further to this vital, strategic segment of the university community.

For further information or to receive an invite to register online please contact Kerry French email kerry.french@rmml.com or ph 02 9250 2823.

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