Claims Corner – Liability Arising out of Non-Compliant Steps
November 16, 2016
Universities Sustain Heavy Losses During March Storms
November 16, 2016
Claims Corner – Liability Arising out of Non-Compliant Steps
November 16, 2016
Universities Sustain Heavy Losses During March Storms
November 16, 2016

Loss of Equipment Moored in Southern Ocean

This claim relates to the loss of a deep sea mooring in the Great Southern Ocean. The mooring consists of a weight, several kilometres of line, flotation, acoustic releases and instruments. It was deployed on 3/4/06. The shallowest part of the mooring was 725m below sea level, and the deepest part on the sea floor at about 4,600m below sea level. The mooring recovery was attempted on 7/10/06. Communication from the ship was established with the acoustic releases, and the release command was sent. However, the equipment did not surface and, after 19 hours, the site was abandoned. A further attempt to recover the mooring was made in late 2007, without success.

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