2021 Roadmap & Strategic Changes – Presentation

Broker Business Issue #1, 2021
March 3, 2021
Renewable Energy – Emerging Risk Report: Issue 87
March 31, 2021
Broker Business Issue #1, 2021
March 3, 2021
Renewable Energy – Emerging Risk Report: Issue 87
March 31, 2021

2021 Roadmap & Strategic Changes – Presentation

Terry Ibbotson, Unimutual Managing Director and Acting CEO

We’ve made important decisions around how the Mutual and our processes need to change to better serve our members and have planned a roadmap for how we will address these in the year ahead.

We shared our roadmap with Members and Brokers at a virtual presentation and Q&A session on the 16th of March.

This recording of the virtual meeting discusses our roadmap including:

  • The vision we have for Unimutual
  • The areas we have identified are of greatest need of change
  • How we plan to develop an effective strategy for each issue
  • Who is tackling each key project
  • Our timeline for affecting change
  • How we plan to keep the lines of communication open

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