Unimutual Excellence Awards
July 2, 2024
Webinar – 2024 Renewal Update
July 24, 2024
Unimutual Excellence Awards
July 2, 2024
Webinar – 2024 Renewal Update
July 24, 2024

CEO Connect #3, June 2024

Dear Member,

In this edition of CEO Connect, I wanted to provide an update on your Mutual’s performance for the first half of the 2023/24 protection year, including a full year forecast. We also share the results of the recent Member Experience Survey and announce the launch of Member Chatrooms and the opening of nominations for the 2024 Unimutual Service Awards.

Half Year Update

Our journey is one that continues to provide greater transparency for our Members. Today we are pleased to provide you with a snapshot of Unimutual’s half yearly performance.
Some key highlights include:

  • Progress on key projects, such as a refreshed Unimutual.com and the introduction of an intern program for engineering students.
  • A full year forecast of a $2.0m surplus.
  • The early development of Member training modules and other collaborative activities, following Member feedback.

On behalf of the entire Unimutual team, I would like to thank you, our Members, for your continued support this year. You can find the Half Year Update here, in the Members Only section of our website.

Member Experience Survey

Thank you to everyone who recently completed our Member Experience Survey. We feel confident the feedback we received reflects the feelings of our Members and their Brokers. The insights from this survey drive our continuous improvement program, ensuring your Mutual meets and exceeds your needs.

The results indicate 100 per cent Member satisfaction and 97 per cent Member trust. It is extremely pleasing to know that Unimutual is delivering on your needs.

Members continued to name customer service, product offering and sector expertise as reasons to recommend Unimutual. Members also feel reassured that Unimutual is listening and implementing changes to their feedback. These changes are here to stay. This is a commitment that I am happy to make to our Members.

Member Chatrooms

Recent Member feedback highlighted a desire for more opportunities for Members to connect, both with Unimutual and peer-to-peer. Last month Unimutual trialed chatroom forums to enable Members to engage on topics such as Protection Services, Risk Management and Underwriting. This initiative has been viewed positively by Members and has encouraged Unimutual to continue to facilitate these discussions.

We are looking to further improve this offering for future sessions. Keep an eye out for invitations to sessions later in the year. Another way our Members are connecting is through our LinkedIn page. Don’t forget to connect with us if you haven’t already here.

Member recognition

Unimutual is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement by recognising excellence in Risk Management, Claims Management and Insurance/Protection Services.

Off the back of a successful program in 2023, nominations are now open for the 2024 Unimutual Excellence Awards, providing Members and service providers with the chance to submit nominations and be recognised for excellence. The nomination process is easy – you can nominate yourself or a colleague, team or organisation. The winners will be announced at the Unimutual Annual Conference in March 2025.

Download a copy of the 2024 Unimutual Excellence Awards Prospectus or read further details here. We look forward to receiving your nominations.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Henderson

Chief Executive Officer

e: geoff.henderson@unimutual.com.au

p:  +61 2 9169 6604  m: +61 (0) 417 887 513

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