Storm Checklist
December 1, 2017
Severe weather warning – after the storm
December 5, 2017
Storm Checklist
December 1, 2017
Severe weather warning – after the storm
December 5, 2017

After the flood checklist

After the Flood

Section 1 – Details of the loss
What happened, where did it happen. Safety first and assessing the risks

Section 2 – Who should I notify
Who to tell about the incident

Section 3 – Initial Action, Assessment and Triage
Make safe, preliminary loss assessment, what can be saved, first steps to take

Section 4 -Assessing contents damage
What contents have been damaged and how to treat those contents

Section 5 – Structural damage assessment
Structural damage is not always obvious – what to look for, who can help and what to do

Section 6 – Project and Contractor Management
Developing a scope and program of works and managing the works safely and cost effectively

Section 7 – Document the claim
Keeping good records will make managing the claim so much easier

After the flood checklist

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