New Unimutual Board Member – Trevor Woods
June 6, 2023
Broker Business Issue #3, July 2023
July 14, 2023
New Unimutual Board Member – Trevor Woods
June 6, 2023
Broker Business Issue #3, July 2023
July 14, 2023

CEO Connect #2, June 2023

Dear Member,

In this edition of CEO Connect, I will be sharing details of the 2023 renewal process, introducing our new Non-Executive Member Director, Trevor Woods, and providing some insights from our latest Member survey.

2023 renewals

We all have a role to play in getting the best deal from our reinsurance protection this year. Data accuracy, completion of risk recommendations, current insurance valuations, and timely submission of data will give your team the best opportunity to create competition in the market for the Unimutual account.

To support our Members in preparing for renewal, Unimutual will hold a Renewal Update Webinar on Thursday 27 July at 1:00pm to share our thoughts on the approach to renewal and the pricing environment. Invitations to this webinar will be sent out next week, so keep an eye on your inbox for the registration details.

Building on the success of last year’s approach to renewal, this year we will once again be holding one-to-one Member renewal presentations. In delivering on our promise to be more transparent, we are looking for ways to provide you with more information as part of the presentations. These presentations will be held from 9th October 2023, with invitations to be sent to Members and Brokers in August.

If there is anything our team can do to support you with the renewal process, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at

Member Insight Survey

We know Member feedback is critical for Unimutual to continue to deliver outstanding service for our Members. We do this through personalised engagement and via our Member Insight Survey.

Over the past six weeks, I have been travelling across the country to meet with our Members in-person. In addition to these 13 allied and university meetings, we distributed our latest Member Insight Survey. These have been incredibly rewarding exercises and I am grateful to those Members who gave their time and feedback to help us understand how your Mutual exceeds expectations and the improvements we can focus on.

We are continuing to take your feedback on board and incorporating it into our five-year strategy, ensuring we act on the things you told us were of most importance. Further information about the Member survey results will be available when we roll out our five-year strategy. In the interim, the areas that keep arising in feedback relate to Member training and Member connection across the sector, and will be front of mind for us in our strategy.

As you asked for it, we will be holding introductory training sessions in mid-August for Members who would like to better understand their Mutual, or brush-up on the latest information. Invitations and further details will be sent out next week.

Introducing Trevor Woods

Lastly, I am delighted to welcome Trevor Woods to the Board as a Non-Executive Member Director.

Trevor first joined the Unimutual Board as a Non-Executive Director in May 2023. He is the Chief Student Services and Digital Officer at Monash University, having previously held executive roles at The University of Sydney, Monash University, and two Canadian universities, Alberta and Lethbridge.

Trevor has led significant organisational transformation projects, delivering improved outcomes. His focus on people leads to sustainable organisational cultures that are resilient and adaptable. Trevor creates teams that embrace innovation to deliver outcomes in a more contemporary and collaborative way, particularly within challenging and rapidly changing contexts.

We look forward to having Trevor’s expertise and insights on the Board.

We are also farewelling two of our Board’s Non-Executive Directors, Dr Carla Tromans, International House, and David Clerk, University of Tasmania. We thank both Carla and David for their time and contributions to the Unimutual Board over the last nine and eleven years respectively and wish them the very best.

As always, if there is anything the team can do to support you, please do not hesitate to let us know via email at or contact me directly at

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Henderson

Chief Executive Officer


p:  +61 2 9169 6604  m: +61 (0) 417 887 513

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