Market Update: 1 July 2022
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Webinar – Renewal & Market update September 2022
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Market Update: 1 July 2022
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Webinar – Renewal & Market update September 2022
September 9, 2022

Post-loss Analysis: Discussion group July 2022

Last month, Unimutual hosted a discussion group for Members to discuss how we can learn from losses.
The session was hosted by Claims Manager, Jamie Thomson, and Risk Manager, Simon Iliffe.

Building Resilience

Part one of the group, hosted by Jamie, focused on building resilience and learning from losses. Drawing upon personal and professional experiences, he looked at specific claims and lessons learned, and asked, how can Members identify the underlying problem behind a claim and respond proactively in the future?

Starting with a personal experience, Jamie keeps bees as a hobby, and explained how post-loss analysis helped him to identify structural issues with his hives that led to a collapse following a bump by a lawnmower. Ultimately, the analysis helped Jamie understand the incorrect application of the Besser blocks and helped him make the decision to purchase a sturdier, purpose-made metal stand making the hive resilient to knocks that caused him to lose his hive. This simple example highlights the way we can learn from our losses and take steps to prevent them from reoccurring.

Jamie continued to share examples that were experienced by Members, including:

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Read more on Root Cause Analysis – The 5 Whys Method here.

Additional Risk Management information and resources can be found here.

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