Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar Two

Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar One
September 8, 2020
Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar Three
September 20, 2020
Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar One
September 8, 2020
Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar Three
September 20, 2020

Unimutual Virtual Sessions: Webinar Two

Larvae of bees in the combs illustration .

Session two features our excellent keynote speaker. We were lucky to be joined by James O’Loghlin, who most Australians remember as the host of The New Inventors on ABC TV or as the host of several programs on ABC Radio.
With over 20 years’ experience in the innovation space, James shares some of the practical strategies that he has developed to help you become more innovative on a daily basis. We hope that this proves useful to you in both your professional and personal lives.

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