COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Protecting your research in Controlled Environments (CEs)
April 6, 2020
CEO Connect #7: Member Engagement, Unimutual Financial Strength and looking ahead
April 14, 2020
Protecting your research in Controlled Environments (CEs)
April 6, 2020
CEO Connect #7: Member Engagement, Unimutual Financial Strength and looking ahead
April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

The community response to COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly. Recent announcements will continue to affect the way that we work, where we work and how we work.

We understand that there will be changes to Member operations, such as working remotely as well as on-line and other forms of virtual teaching and we want to address a number of high-level coverage issues. We are unable to provide a FAQ for every likely scenario and encourage you to contact Unimutual or your broker should there be significant change to your operation or should you require confirmation.

We have prepared the below FAQs:

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Unimutual remain committed to providing as much assistance as we can through this period. We are considering the changes you are facing as a result of COVID-19 and looking to ensure that coverage is not affected. Cover is in place for staff and students working remotely. Cover is also in place if your property is temporarily utilised by the government for uses such as quarantining or self-isolation and property that is temporarily used anywhere in Australia.

Your protections cover you for the activities you have declared to us at renewal. To ensure new activities are included, please contact Unimutual or your broker. Restrictions may apply if changes are not declared to Unimutual.

Please remember to always consider the terms, conditions and exclusions of the protections when considering the advice.  

Please note that the Unimutual team remains fully operational.  The entire team is now completely set up from home and is available on email and mobile

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