6 ways to protect your Emergency Alert System (EAS): Issue 79

New Year’s Resolutions for the University Risk Professional
February 13, 2019
Member Matters Issue #5, 2018
March 4, 2019
New Year’s Resolutions for the University Risk Professional
February 13, 2019
Member Matters Issue #5, 2018
March 4, 2019

6 ways to protect your Emergency Alert System (EAS): Issue 79

data security concept, mobile application access, login and password

Have you sufficiently protected your databases, prepared for a hack, included it in your disaster planning exercises, and informed new personnel or students about identifying false messages? Even when used legitimately, confusion can occur when the character limits of different systems are not considered when sending EAS alerts.

Recent years have seen organisations’ or governments’ EASs hacked to send out fake messages or accessed to try to sensitive personal data. This is an emerging risk for any institutions affected by an EAS. Read our latest Emerging Risk Report for six straightforward things you can do to address this risk.

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