Student Activism 2.0: Four main causes of increased litigation: Issue 77

Broker Business Issue #4, 2018
October 26, 2018
Member Spotlight: John Da Fonte
December 5, 2018
Broker Business Issue #4, 2018
October 26, 2018
Member Spotlight: John Da Fonte
December 5, 2018

Student Activism 2.0: Four main causes of increased litigation: Issue 77

The Mutual has noticed an increase in student-related liability matters over the past two years. Why is this? No one knows for sure, but its likely that the shift in universities’ approaches to their purpose and operations; the use of social media; more extreme student politics; and less trust between students and their institutions; have all contributed.

What we do know is that its important to be aware of this trend – and to consider how you can mitigate it within your institution or the sector as a whole. Its crucial to monitor, analyse and address both the ongoing issue and the consequences.

Read this Emerging Risk Report to find out what you can do to reduce the impact on your institution.

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