Campus Violence: Crying Wolf or Preparing Sensibly? – Issue 73

Broker Business Issue #3, 2018
June 12, 2018
Stem Cell Discoveries Promise Mutual Benefits for All
July 11, 2018
Broker Business Issue #3, 2018
June 12, 2018
Stem Cell Discoveries Promise Mutual Benefits for All
July 11, 2018

Campus Violence: Crying Wolf or Preparing Sensibly? – Issue 73

Picture of a wolf dog at dusk.

Our latest Emerging Risk Report looks at the difficult balance of being well prepared, but not crying wolf, when it comes to the risk of campus violence. Australian universities may not consider this a considerable risk on their radar – but they are not immune. Are you monitoring this risk across all relevant areas? Your watch must be extended to other campuses, if staff or students are set to visit them. And have you defined what actually constitutes violence on your own campus?

Read the full report for four practical efforts that will keep the wolves from your door.

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