Cyber Risk: Australian Census – Issue 56
January 16, 2017
Shifting in Global Politics – Issue 58
January 16, 2017
Cyber Risk: Australian Census – Issue 56
January 16, 2017
Shifting in Global Politics – Issue 58
January 16, 2017

Cyber Risk: Post Disaster Planning – Issue 57

Close up on a file tab with the text Distaster Recovery Plan, focus on the main text and blur effect. Concept image for illustration of DRP ans crisis communication.

Readers will be aware, the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida since 2005 occurred in late August and early September 2016, Hurricane Hermine. The storm impacted Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. Those attending the Unimutual Conference heard it was a Category 1 storm, causing an estimated $400 million of damages, $80 million in Florida.

Report 57 Post Disaster Planning

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