Unimutual Claims Management System

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December 16, 2016
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University Signs Hit by Vehicle
December 16, 2016
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January 4, 2017

Unimutual Claims Management System

At this year’s Annual Conference, we introduced our plans for providing Members with a Claims Management System to manage below retention claims and replace the existing Unimutual Claims system. For those Members who were unable to attend the Conference, this may be the first time you will have heard about this major initiative, and we trust you will be excited as we are in the benefits this will offer.

The new Claims Management System will allow the full management of below retention claims as well as enable Members to view and report on existing above retention claims and submit online notification of new claims.

Unimutual will be providing the system to members as a benefit of membership at no additional charge.

There will be two phases to the implementation of the Claims Management System.

Phase 1

Rolling out to interested Members the Claims Management system to enable the management of below retention claims.

The new Claims Management System will integrate with the existing Resure data collection management system.  Some of the benefits include:

  • Interface with existing Resure data collection system therefore same login and some familiar functionality.
  • Allows integration of above and below retention claims to assist in total cost of risk reporting.
  • Any existing below retention claims records can be imported into the system.
  • Potential claim notifications can be easily submitted.
  • An online claim notification by a Members can easily transition from a below retention claim to an above retention claim.
  • Ability to report and keep track of all financial transactions and provide updated total estimated, paid, outstanding and recovery figures
  • Audit trail
  • Diary and follow up action functionality.
  • E mail interface
  • Members will be able to use the system to manage claims outside of the Unimutual Protections and restrict Unimutual’s access to this information as required.
  • Attachment of relevant documents to enable paperless files.
  • Claim Form drop down boxes can be customised to the specific Member to ensure appropriate reporting and useability of reports.
  • Reports can be fully customised.
  • Resure offers compliance with privacy legislation as well demonstrated provision of support, connection reliability, downtime as well as ability for making bespoke changes.

The new Claims Management System is now in the pilot stage of Phase 1 which is being trialled by the University of Queensland.  Once the initial trial process has been completed the system will be available to all Members early next year.

Phase 2

Migration of all existing above retention claims data from Figtree (Unimutual’s existing claims management system) to the new Resure Claims Management System.

This is a major project as we will be migrating 26 years of claims data into the new system. Both systems will be running in tandem until all claims data has been successful migrated and the Resure system is fully operational.

 If you are interested in using the system to manage your below retention claims or require any additional information please contact Kerry French on 9252 2823 or email kerry.french@rmml.com.  Full support and training will be provided by Unimutual.

We are very excited to offer this to Members and look forward to working with you to enable a productive and efficient system that meets your individual requirements.

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