The Hunting Ground Project Risk Profile
December 15, 2016
Data Breach Legislation
December 16, 2016
The Hunting Ground Project Risk Profile
December 15, 2016
Data Breach Legislation
December 16, 2016

Active Assailant – FAQs

crime scene for vehicle search protect by yellow caution tape

The threat of a physical attack has become a real risk for educational institutions with both terrorist and active assailant incidents on the rise.

Below is a list of FAQ’s which addresses the majority of queries.

What is an Active Assailant Event?

  1. i) a premeditated malicious physical attack, either at the Premises[i]or at the location of and during an activity organised and/or paid for by the Member, by an Active Assailant who is physically present and armed with a Hand-Held Weapon; [ii] and
  2. ii) any action of the Relevant Authority [iii] taken in suppressing, controlling or minimising the immediate consequences of such an attack;

which directly causes Damage  [iv] and/or bodily injury or death, and which affects three (3) or more persons (other than the Active Assailant) physically present during the attack.

What is the definition of an Active Assailant?

An Active Assailant(s) means a person or group of persons actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill or cause serious bodily injury to a person or group of persons.

What does Active Assailant Protection Cover?

The protection provides cover for Property Damage, Business Interruption and Extra Costs and Expenses to mitigate the adverse effects of the event.

What is included in ‘Extra Costs and Expenses’?

The protection provides cover for costs incurred for public relations consultancy, relocation expenses, counselling and/or psychiatric care, medical expenses, job retraining, recruitment and temporary security costs.

Who is protected for ‘Extra Costs and Expenses’?

The Protection is designed for the benefit of the Member so any claims are made by the Member.  However, certain extra costs such as counselling, psychiatric care and medical expenses can be used for employees, visitors, customers contractors or students present during the attack.  This cover will assist in mitigating the adverse effect of any damage to brand and to ensure that responsibilities of duty of care are met.

What is the trigger for the Active Assailant Protection?

The Protection will respond if an Active Assailant Event causes physical damage to your property, or if it causes bodily injury or death which affects three or more persons physically present during the attack (other than the active assailant).

Will the Active Assailant Protection still respond if there has not been any property damage?

Yes, if there has been bodily injury or death which affects three or more persons physically present during the attack (other than the active assailant).

Does the Active Assailant Protection provide cover for these events?

  • threat or hoax.
  • gang related crime or violence, organised crime or armed robbery.
  • strikes, labour unrest, riots or civil commotion.
  • any vehicle-borne or remotely detonated explosive device.

No, these events are excluded.

Unimutual welcomes any specific queries around the scope of the cover. We would also offer consideration around increasing the policy limit should the Member believe that there is exposure above the standard policy limit of AUD 2,000,000.  Cover can be purchased up to a limit of AUD 35,000,000.

This document is for general discussion and/or guidance only, is not intended to be relied upon, and action based on or in connection with anything contained herein and should be read in conjunction with Product Disclosure Statement Part 8 – Active Assailant Protection

[i] Premises means:

the premises stated in the schedule

[ii] Hand-Held Weapon means:

any hand-held instrument or hand-held explosive device or explosive device worn on the body that is used by the Active Assailant to directly cause Damage and/or bodily injury or death. Hand-Held Weapon includes any Road Vehicle that is used by the Active Assailant to directly cause, and is occupied by the Active Assailant at the time of, Damage and/or bodily injury or death.

[iii] Relevant Authority means:

the present national or local authority with jurisdiction over the location of the Active Assailant Event, including any civil, law enforcement or military authority.

[iv] Damage means

physical loss, physical destruction or physical damage

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