Claims Corner – University Suffers Major Power Outage

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Claims Corner – University Suffers Major Power Outage

During the failure of the cable, one of the on-site protective devices failed to operate. Subsequently, various protective devices in the network operator’s main switchgear operated, blacking out the entire campus. The initial remedial response involved amending the open point of the ring main, by-passing the fault area, to enable immediate re-connection of the HV supply to the campus. This was achieved on 27 December, and it appeared that the potential for a major loss had been averted. The following day, however, there was a second failure in the same HV ring main, precluding the ability to re-connect mains supply to a substantial part of the campus until the cables had been repaired. Subsequent expert advice suggested that the two failures were not causally linked, so two Member retentions have been applied to the Member’s overall loss.

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