September 2016 Unimutual Update
September 1, 2016
Beware of Falling Branches!
November 16, 2016
September 2016 Unimutual Update
September 1, 2016
Beware of Falling Branches!
November 16, 2016

Another Spoilage Claim!

A Member has submitted a claim for spoilage following the apparent malfunction of a scientific freezer. What makes this claim unusual is that the freezer did not require repair, and the cause of the loss, therefore, remains uncertain.

The scientific freezer was required to maintain a storage temperature of -70°C. However, the internal temperature was found to have reached 4°C, and the stored samples had spoiled as a result. Although the freezer was fitted with an alarm device, intended to transmit an alarm message to a central monitoring station, there was no sign that it had operated. Unfortunately, the cause of this failure has not been discovered.

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