Unimutual becomes a signatory to the Declaration of Climate Action

The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) has unveiled a Declaration of Climate Action in response to emerging risks associated with climate change, working towards reaching net zero before 2050.

Unimutual is pleased to announce we have joined as a signatory to this declaration, as we continue to ensure we create value and long-term financial sustainability for you, our Members.

This declaration sets out how mutuals will respond to the net zero transition over the coming years, and take advantage of the opportunities for prosperity from a low carbon economy.

We will continue to work with our Members to provide tailored risk protection and prevention that meets current climate action targets.

This commitment aligns with our operating principles:

  • Members first – we make Members’ interests our priority
  • Agility – we’re constantly challenging the status quo and embracing innovation
  • Precision – we consistently excel in everything we do

If you would like to learn more about our commitment, please contact the Member Services team at [email protected] or visit https://bccm.coop/campaign/co-operative-and-mutual-climate-policy/ for more information.

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