As a discretionary mutual providing protection to Members in the Australian higher education and research sector, we will continue to enhance our existing activities, practices and commitments from an ESG perspective, as well as monitor relevant global industry specific guidance for ESG.
We have developed a five-pillar framework to embed ESG into our core business and activities.
We provide our Members with relevant and cost-effective risk protection using Member data to catastrophe model and engage with reinsurers.
With natural disasters increasing in severity and frequency, we provide cover that recognises better risk management by undertaking site visits and risk surveys, while offering a risk- based pricing model.
We assist Members with protection for managing risks associated with renewable energy technologies and research.
We seek to pay claims early to support Members’ continued operation and service to their customers and community, including through the engagement of loss adjustors and by providing advice for ‘build back’.
We aim to ensure our Members feel supported and respected in their time of need.
We provide risk prevention advice to Members to reduce the impact and likelihood of loss events through site visits, risk engineering surveys, webinars, and resilience resources.
We provide risk advice on new building constructions and major refurbishments, ensuring Members deliver assets of the highest possible risk quality.
We use engagement platforms and forums to understand our Members’ needs and ESG ambitions to better serve them and the broader communities they support.
We offer opportunities for our Members and broader stakeholder groups to learn and share information on ESG strategies, including through our Annual Conference and Technical Committees.
We support work-life balance to ensure employees can bring their best selves to work each day and provide quality service to Members.
We operate from a small team with a small carbon footprint, and workflows are largely digitised.
We are governed by a Board of Directors and other formal committees covering audit, risk, claims and technical.
Our investments are externally managed and monitored, with an investment policy in place.
We welcome your feedback. For any comments or questions please contact the team at: [email protected]
As we approach everything at Unimutual, we want our ESG framework to be a consultative process with our Members, and encourage you to review the draft plan and provide feedback by the end of May. All feedback will be considered prior to the plan being finalised.
Download a PDF of our Framework here.
If you or someone else in your organisation would like to receive our newsletters, please email us at [email protected] to subscribe, including full name, email address and role.
Suite 11.02, Level 11, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: 02 9169 6600
PO Box H96, Australia Square NSW 1215
ABN: 45 106 564 372 | AFS Licence No: 241142
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