Annual General Meeting 2024

AGM was held 27 March 2024

Annual General Meeting:

At the Annual General Meeting, three resolutions were presented for adoption, with the following results:

Resolution 1 – Election of Directors:

Ms. Dianne Allen and Ms. Belinda Atkinson, both Directors retiring in accordance with paragraph 55 of the Constitution, were re-elected. No other person sought election, and the vote was carried unanimously.

Resolution 2 – Appointment of External Auditors:

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu was appointed as Auditors for the year ending 31 October 2024. The vote was carried unanimously.

Resolution 3 – Director Remuneration:

Members confirmed that the total maximum remuneration for all Directors remains unchanged for the year ending 31 October 2024, set at $350,000. The vote was carried unanimously.

Special General Meeting:

At the Special General Meeting, one resolution was presented for adoption, with the following outcome:

Resolution 1 – Adoption of the New Constitution:

Members adopted the proposed new Constitution as provided in the Notice of Proposed Special Resolutions and tabled at the meeting. The vote was carried unanimously. To read the new Constitution, please click here.

Once again, thank you to all Members who participated in both meetings and supported the resolutions. Your engagement underscores our shared commitment to the continued success and integrity of Unimutual.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

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