ALERT!!! – Severe weather warning 1-3 December

Activism in the University Sector – Issue 70
November 30, 2017
Storm Checklist
December 1, 2017
Activism in the University Sector – Issue 70
November 30, 2017
Storm Checklist
December 1, 2017

ALERT!!! – Severe weather warning 1-3 December

Woman wade flooding in her house. Closeup on her leg. View behind. Flooding at Loei province, Thailand.

Earlier this week Unimutual alerted Members in Victoria, Southern and Central NSW, and the top of Tasmania to a severe weather event predicted over the period 1-3 December.  Up to one month’s rainfall is expected during a 24 hour period with flash flooding and associated wind storm damage.  Following is a link to the Bureau of Meteorology site where live warnings can be viewed:

Facilities and Security should already be aware of this impending and potentially extraordinary weather event.  In preparation, it would be prudent to review any flood emergency plans that you may have, do a quick check of roof gutter status and cleanliness, clean out gross pollutant traps, envelope drains and drainage pits.

It is reasonable to expect a succession of high intensity storms which have the potential to create overland flooding and the risk of storm water entering buildings through basement and first floor level doors as well as wall vents.  It would be wise to identify those buildings and entrance points which are potentially exposed and where practical, take action to seal/protect them where possible.  If using sandbags, consider first placing plastic sheeting against the door first.

In our “Checklists” section below you can find Unimutual’s storm preparation checklist as well as an “after” the flood checklist.

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